National PTA - Every child. One voice.

National PTA – Every child. One voice.

When parents and teachers get together, amazing things happen.  Making the impossible possible is what this group seems to do.  The National PTA, or National Parent Teacher Association, is an organization devoted to improving education, health and safety of children and juveniles around the country.

This group, which was started by two women, has grown to include over five million members and has branches in every state.  Their goals are ones which almost every parent, teacher and concerned party can believe in.  It feels good to help children.

“As the largest volunteer child advocacy organization in the nation, National PTA is the conscience of the country for children and youth issues. Through advocacy, as well as family and community education, National PTA has established programs and called for legislation that improves our children’s lives…” says their website.

To learn more about the National PTA and who can join, check out the complete profile.