by Sarah Green | Oct 28, 2016 | News, Parent Issues, Student Issues
The American Academy of Pediatrics has released new guidelines for childhood media usage and they’re mostly common sense. They suggest things like not relying solely on devices to calm children down, lest they develop difficulties managing their emotions. They say...
by Sarah Green | Oct 10, 2016 | News, Student Issues
For kids with speech and language disorders, early intervention can make a world of difference. But according to research at MIT and Massachusetts General Hospital, 60 percent of these children may not even be diagnosed until they’re in Kindergarten. Sometimes it...
by Sarah Green | Sep 9, 2016 | News
Robots, or robotic elements, are already used for many types of surgeries, including orthopedic procedures such as hip and knee replacements. But what future do robots have in the field of orthopedics? Will robotics help advance the field, providing better services to...
by Sarah Green | Jul 13, 2016 | News
Lucas Fillippini was born with no left hand. Just one of those things that happens. But at six and in school, Lucas gets reminded over and over by his fellow students that he isn’t “normal.” The other kids ask about his “little hand” and dare each...
by Sarah Green | Nov 12, 2015 | News, Teacher Issues
According to a recent study performed by a graduate student in Sweden, most educational software isn’t actually helping students. Björn Sjöden, who led the study, claims that only about 17% of math and Swedish teaching software, out of the top 100 apps in those...