by Supporting Education | Jun 14, 2013 | News
Last week, the New York City Housing Authority celebrated the opening of a brand new school building and community center at the Nicholas Houses, one of its developments. The building is five floors, will host the K-12 Promise Academy I Charter School, and provides a...
by Sarah Green | Apr 26, 2013 | News
Education is important in all stages of life. Whether we are learning in primary, secondary, post-secondary, or on-the-job situations, most of us continue learning throughout our entire lives. But education can, unfortunately, be expensive. Public schooling is free...
by Supporting Education | Nov 2, 2012 | Profiles
John Rhea, NYCHA’s current Chairman, was appointed to his position at the New York City Housing Authority by Mayor Michael Bloomberg in 2009. This appointment came after Rhea served for 20 years in the private sector. While maintaining his status as a board...