by Sarah Green | May 16, 2018 | News, Teacher Issues
Marc Schubert is an educational assistant at Delton Elementary School in inner-city Edmonton, Alberta, where he works with students from a variety of experiences. He’s also an avid player of Dungeons & Dragons, the popular dice-based tabletop fantasy role-playing...
by Sarah Green | Nov 1, 2017 | Student Issues, Teacher Issues
Even as the general atmosphere for LGBT people becomes more accepting, the current administration is intent on eviscerating Title IX protections, which often cover transgender students, and rolling back civil rights protections for LGBT people. In more conservative...
by Sarah Green | Aug 16, 2017 | Student Issues
Wow, can you believe it’s August already? You’ve probably begun shopping for school clothes and all the accessories you need in order to get your school year off to a good start. But have you thought about how you’ll stay organized? If you already have good...
by Sarah Green | Jun 28, 2017 | News, Parent Issues
Imagine being eight years old, standing in line for your lunch at school. You’re given a tray, served an entree, two sides, and a little carton of milk. Maybe it’s pizza day, or that great turkey and gravy dish. You get to the cashier, she checks your name against her...
by Sarah Green | May 3, 2017 | News, Student Issues
Overall, kids entering the first grade are better readers than they were 12 years ago. This is according to a study from The Ohio State University, which has found that many students are learning in kindergarten the basic reading skills they had been learning in first...