by Supporting Education | May 29, 2020 | News, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
At the beginning of April, several weeks after nearly all schools in the United States were shuttered, 4,000 teachers in South Carolina were surveyed about how remote teaching was going. More than 80 percent of those teachers reported that at least one of their...
by Supporting Education | Mar 20, 2020 | News, Parent Issues, Student Issues
With schools across the country closed to help slow the spread of COVID-19, parents everywhere are looking for options to help diversify their home education options. Here is a small selection of free education resources for a variety of subjects. Math Prodigy Math...
by Supporting Education | Sep 27, 2019 | Teacher Issues
Kids always get excited about Halloween. Whether it’s the costumes or the trick-or-treating or decorating the house for the holiday, children are all in for this sugary holiday. You can add to the energy by doing some cool and cute Halloween crafts with your students....
by Supporting Education | Apr 26, 2019 | News, Student Issues
It’s only April, still more than a month left before summer vacation, but Falcon Hill Elementary School in Mesa, Arizona stopped sending home homework assignments. They stopped printing lunch menus, permission slips, book lists, and internal memos. Why? Because they...
by Sarah Green | Oct 24, 2018 | News, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
When people talk about teaching positive consent to children, there is often a lot of reluctance. Many people link the topic inextricably to sex, and therefore assume it’s inappropriate in a third-grade classroom. But Liz Kleinrock, who teaches 8- and 9-year-olds at...