United Planet is an international non-profit looking to bridge the gap between different countries, religions and cultures, hoping to unite the world in a “community beyond borders.”
Its idea of Relational Diplomacy – connecting a world full of diverse backgrounds – is the underlying principle that sends hundreds of United Planet volunteers around the world with the goal of forming long-lasting, life-changing relationships.
The organization isn’t just about philanthropy; it’s about education. Volunteers are trained to immerse themselves into their host country’s culture through language classes and cultural activities. Plus they are constantly learning new ways of thinking and working through on-the-job training. Volunteers serve locally and abroad for short-term projects (1-12 weeks) and long-terms projects (6-12 months).
United Planet reaches its goals through its education program, Teach Abroad Quests. TAQ provides global education and development through comprehensive language, culture and technology programs. The classrooms go beyond young children – volunteers teach in regular schools, vocational centers and adult education centers.
United Planet’s focus on international collaboration and sharing educational practices is preparing educators and students, particularly those in underdeveloped areas, to compete in the global economy. Educators without borders are now able to pass on their cross-cultural experiences and lessons while providing a lasting impact on the nations that are thirsty for knowledge, technology and experience.
David Santulli, Founder and Executive Director, describes United Planet’s mission best: “United Planet focuses on volunteering, cultural immersion, grassroots leadership, and dialogue to help us forge closer relationships around the world.”
To learn a bit more about United Planet, please visit out our article!