by Beth Holmes | Sep 14, 2023 | News, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
Arkansas has warned its schools not to offer any AP African American Studies courses, following along with Florida in trying to erase Black History from education. New legislation was passed in Arkansas this March which prohibits “teaching that would indoctrinate...
by Beth Holmes | Jul 26, 2023 | News, Student Issues
Homeless students have rights with regards to their schooling, and everyone should know them. These rights are federally protected. The McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act (MVHAA) was the first substantial federal legislation to address homelessness, and it was...
by Beth Holmes | Jul 3, 2023 | News, Parent Issues, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
Transitioning students will face new roadblocks in UK schools under the dictates of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak. On Sunday, video surfaced of Sunak publicly making derogatory jokes about men who support trans women, saying that doing so makes them unfit to lead the...
by Beth Holmes | Jun 29, 2023 | News, Student Issues
Justice Alito, Jr. may have taken expensive gifts from Paul Singer, a billionaire currently fighting for the Supreme Court to block student-loan forgiveness. In 2008, Washington D.C. was beginning to (very casually) toss around the idea of student-loan forgiveness...
by Beth Holmes | Jun 12, 2023 | News, Parent Issues, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
The Bible may wind up banned in Utah schools for ‘vulgarity or violence,’ as parents push back against draconian laws meant to censor LGBT and anti-racist content. In 2022, Utah passed a law banning any book containing “pornographic or indecent” content...