A New York-based organization is offering a fellowship program aimed at other organizations that help foster young entrepreneurs around the world. On March 6th, the Foundation for Talented Youth announced that it is a semifinalist for the Echoing Green Fellowship, a leadership program “designed to find and nurture social entrepreneurs who seek to launch bold new ventures.”

Echoing Green was founded by General Atlantic in 1987, and with names like David Hodgson and Robbert Vorhoff of General Atlantic on Echoing Green’s board of directors, the global growth equity firm is able to provide significant oversight.

Echoing Green aims to provide a “springboard for realizing your contribution to solving the world’s biggest problems.” It has produced more than 600 promising social entrepreneurs, from sixty different countries, with roughly $36 million in start-up funding, support services, and access to Echoing Green’s global network of professionals.

The Echoing Green Fellowship programs offer roughly $4.6 million in seed funding, in addition to receiving up to $90,000 over the course of the first two years they participate in leadership development gathering and meet with other Echoing Green fellows.

Echoing Green’s focus is on finding individuals with big, ambitious, and exciting ideas and investing in their success. The Foundation for Talented Youth (FTY) is one among 432 applications in consideration for the fellowship. In sum, 3,100 applications were received for the Echoing Green Fellowship.

“We are thrilled to have made it as a semi-finalist for this outstanding opportunity,” David Willson, co-founder of FTY, says. “Our mission is to give our students skills and tools they can use to take control of their dreams and build a better future, and there are few organizations that compliment this better than Echoing Green.”

About The Foundation for Talented Youth

FTY is a nonprofit organization founded by Austin Yoder and David Willson. After a pilot program teaching entrepreneurship to high school students in Taiwan, Yoder and Willson expanded their efforts overseas and now boast the ambitious goal of providing entrepreneurial skills to more than 1,000,000 people around the world by 2025.