by Supporting Education | Sep 17, 2019 | News, Teacher Issues
Last year, a survey by the federal Department of Education found that 94 percent of U.S. public school teachers pay for classroom supplies out of pocket, without reimbursement, and that they spend an average of nearly $500 a year doing so. Purchase by teachers range...
by Supporting Education | Apr 4, 2019 | News, Student Issues
The toy box, it is said, is every child’s first school. The things we play with as children have a powerful influence over the direction of our lives. Building toys such as Lego blocks have long been lauded as useful tools in laying a foundation for engineering,...
by Sarah Green | Jul 11, 2018 | Student Issues, Teacher Issues
There is a great deal to be learned inside a virtual lab environment. Students can access real research while trying to recreate the experiments that generated it. Teachers can model the scientific process or design custom programs for their students to theorize,...
by Sarah Green | Mar 7, 2018 | Student Issues, Teacher Issues
This generation in education is going to be remembered as an era of technological leaps. The internet, tablets, and “disrupting” educational traditions with new technologies are all a part of the educational landscape right now, and none of these will be going away....
by Sarah Green | Jan 10, 2018 | Student Issues
“I want to know if something isn’t right at Mt. Juliet High School,” said Principal Mel Brown, about the new app he’s using in his school to let students speak up anonymously about bullying. STOPit, an app developed by Todd Schnobel, calls itself a...