Technology in the Classroom, Help or Hindrance

Technology in the Classroom, Help or Hindrance

Once upon a time, technology in the classroom meant that the teacher had a mini-fridge plugged into a wall socket.  That is no longer the case.  These days we are inundated by a plethora of social media, computers, smart boards, I-pods, I-pads and other I-technology. ...
Bullying in Schools: Worse With Technology

Bullying in Schools: Worse With Technology

School is challenging enough with all the essays to write and math to absorb.  It can become a thousand more times frightening when confronted by a bully every day. But what is bullying, and how and when does it occur? Bullying can be physical, verbal or emotional....
Can Online Courses Prevent Cheating?

Can Online Courses Prevent Cheating?

With the rise of technology has come the rise of online courses—and with that, cheating has become easier than ever. Now online courses are utilizing technology to try and prevent cheating—but it remains to be seen just how effective such strategies are. Some...
Teens’ Sleep and School Schedules Collide

Teens’ Sleep and School Schedules Collide

In recent years, we have started learning more and more about adolescent sleep patterns and how the lack of sleep affects teenagers. As the years go on, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that our current system is simply not conducive to students performing well in...
Pres. Obama Promotes STEM Education

Pres. Obama Promotes STEM Education

In the past few years, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) Education has flown into the spotlight. More and more schools are adopting the STEM model, putting an emphasis on math and science-related subjects in an effort to turn out students who...