5 Career Suggestions in Growing Fields

5 Career Suggestions in Growing Fields

For recent high school grads, undergraduate, and graduate students alike, choosing a career path and major are difficult decisions to make. Most of us want to have a career that will be enjoyable and satisfying to the mind and soul; most of us also want to have a job,...
Back to School Tech Basics

Back to School Tech Basics

The nights are starting to get a little cooler.  Soon the leaves will start to turn colors.  School will be staring soon.  Getting everything together for school can be a bit of a challenge. However, one thing is clear.  Every year technology becomes more and more...
High-Speed Internet for Schools

High-Speed Internet for Schools

In a move sure to be warmly met by all students with cell phones, President Obama has said he hopes to get high-speed Internet into most schools within five years. Obama spoke to a crowd in the gymnasium at Mooresville Middle Schools in North Carolina to demonstrate...
Are Online Colleges Worth It?

Are Online Colleges Worth It?

Wouldn’t you like to roll out of bed and go to class in your pajamas? Why bother with a hair brush if you aren’t going to see anyone in person?  This is the reality for many students who attend classes via the web. The questions we need to ask ourselves are whether...