Justice Alito, Step Back

Justice Alito, Step Back

Justice Alito, Jr. may have taken expensive gifts from Paul Singer, a billionaire currently fighting for the Supreme Court to block student-loan forgiveness. In 2008, Washington D.C. was beginning to (very casually) toss around the idea of student-loan forgiveness...
Student Loan Forgiveness vs SCOTUS

Student Loan Forgiveness vs SCOTUS

Student loan forgiveness is, as for the past several years, a political firestorm and a point of national division. President Joe Biden’s administration has a plan to ease or erase the student debt of up to 43 million people, approximately one in eight...
Defrauded Borrowers Set Free

Defrauded Borrowers Set Free

Defrauded borrowers are to be forgiven almost $4 billion in debt by the Department of Education, in the continuing fallout of ITT Technical Institute. Until 2016, ITT Educational Services was one of the largest for-profit educational operator in the U.S. It shut its...
Student Borrowers Getting Some Relief

Student Borrowers Getting Some Relief

Student borrowers are getting help, as the U.S. Department of Education cancels federally-held debt for 40,000 and offers help for over 3.5 million more. “Student loans were never meant to be a life sentence, but it’s certainly felt that way for borrowers locked...