by Beth Holmes | May 3, 2021 | News, Parent Issues, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
Senate Bill 1456 in Arizona would have been one of the strictest laws regarding sex education in the country. It would have banned any and all sex education before fifth grade, and required parental approval for any related topic up to 12th grade, including the mere...
by Supporting Education | Apr 15, 2020 | News, Parent Issues, Student Issues
In the middle of March, hundreds rallied on the steps of the Washington State Capitol Building to protest a bill that would require sex and health education for every student in the state, at every age. They called on Governor Jay Inslee to veto Senate Bill 5395,...
by Supporting Education | Jan 27, 2020 | News, Student Issues
Washington State had seen a disturbing trend among its adolescents in the past few years; a climbing rate of STDs. Since 2014, according to the Washington State Department of Health, syphilis and gonorrhea rates have both increased by over 70 percent in the...
by Supporting Education | Jun 14, 2019 | Student Issues
In 2016, a team from Tufts University School of Medicine (TUSM) in Massachusetts met at nearby Josiah Quincy Upper School (JQUS), a public high school, to give health and hygiene talks tailored to the school’s special needs students. Afterwards, school personnel...
by Sarah Green | Sep 2, 2016 | News, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
The state of sex education in America is a shame. Only 13 states require that sex-education be medically accurate, which has led to an explosion of inaccurate, and sometimes even bizarre, sex education courses throughout the country. The main point of most of these...