by Sarah Green | Feb 8, 2017 | News, Parent Issues, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
On February 7, 2017, a historic tie-breaking vote confirmed Betsy DeVos as the next Secretary of Education. Two Republicans voted against DeVos’s confirmation—Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska—but other than that, the vote fell completely along party...
by Sarah Green | Dec 28, 2016 | Student Issues
There has been a lot of discussion about fake news and how it may have affected the recent presidential election. From clickbait sites to deliberately misleading sites to satire sites, and sites that may spread fake news by accident, the impact of fake news is...
by Sarah Green | Dec 19, 2016 | Parent Issues, Student Issues
Letting kids win at games might actually be bad for them. According to new research from Amherst College, rigging a game so that young children always win prevents them from developing the skills necessary to formulate judgments about those skills. Essentially, if...
by Sarah Green | Sep 26, 2016 | Student Issues, Teacher Issues
A new study from the University of British Columbia has found a link between teacher burnout and student stress. The study found that students in classes with teachers who reported more burnout had higher levels of cortisol, a chemical related to stress. It is unclear...
by Sarah Green | Sep 16, 2016 | Student Issues, Teacher Issues
We’ve become increasingly aware in recent years that bullying is a serious problem faced by children throughout their lives, but that awareness has been focused on the elementary and high school years. According to a recent study appearing in the journal Social...