by Beth Holmes | Dec 13, 2021 | News, Teacher Issues
Teacher burnout is driving schools around the country to pull back a little from full-time in person learning. In mid-November, all Detroit public schools and a school district in Utah announced that through the rest of the calendar year, Fridays would be virtual...
by Sarah Green | Sep 26, 2018 | News, Student Issues
In 2016, a testing of the water in Detroit schools showed elevated levels of lead and copper. This summer, a follow-up round of testing at 24 schools found critical levels of one, the other, or both in two out of three of those. Nikolai Vitti, the Superintendent of...
by Sarah Green | Jul 1, 2014 | News
A Detroit high school teacher is suing the East Detroit Public Schools, saying he was punished by the district after cooperating with the police after the death of a student on campus. The teacher, David Zauner, was hailed a hero after he attempted The student, a...