by Supporting Education | Mar 15, 2021 | News, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
The Los Angeles Unified School District has been in deadlock with its teachers’ union about reopening schools for over eight months and has finally reached a tentative accord. In-person instruction, they announced on March 9, 2021, can begin in mid-April, making LA...
by Supporting Education | Mar 1, 2021 | News, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
For years now, teachers’ unions have been pushing the federal government to allow states to opt out of the federal standardized testing requirement. But in its first major act, President Biden’s new Department of Education has announced that states will not be allowed...
by Supporting Education | Feb 15, 2021 | News, Teacher Issues
In the 100-day plan from President Joe Biden, one of his pledges was to have students back in classrooms as swiftly as possible. His press secretary, Jen Psaki, was asked this week for specific benchmarks the White House was seeking to hit, but her answers varied. The...
by Supporting Education | Feb 1, 2021 | News, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
Chicago Public Schools (CPS) is the third largest school district in the U.S., with more than a third of a million students. In March 2020, like most school districts around the world, it pivoted to full-time online education. Since then, educators have seen the...
by Supporting Education | Jan 11, 2021 | News, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
On January 5, 2021, a heated debate in the Salt Lake City Board of Education came to a close with a 5-2 vote. The ruling: junior high and high schools won’t reopen in February as planned, postponed instead until teachers can be fully vaccinated. The delay runs counter...