by Sarah Green | Mar 3, 2017 | Student Issues
According to research from NYU Steinhardt and RAND Corporation, students in online charter schools perform worse on standardized tests than do their peers in traditional public or charter schools. This is based on research in Ohio, which has allowed online charter...
by Sarah Green | Feb 8, 2017 | News, Parent Issues, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
On February 7, 2017, a historic tie-breaking vote confirmed Betsy DeVos as the next Secretary of Education. Two Republicans voted against DeVos’s confirmation—Susan Collins of Maine and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska—but other than that, the vote fell completely along party...
by Sarah Green | Jan 27, 2017 | News, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
Minnesotan legislators are getting ready to make some big decisions about education in the state. While specific needs will vary by region, it’s interesting to note that the issues Minnesota is currently dealing with are pretty common across the U.S. as we head into...
by Sarah Green | Jan 20, 2017 | News, Parent Issues, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
By now videos and transcripts of Betsy DeVos’s education confirmation hearing have made the rounds, marking this as the first hearing to go viral on social media. The videos show DeVos unable to answer a variety of questions posed to her about guns in schools, federal...
by Sarah Green | Aug 17, 2016 | News, Parent Issues, Student Issues
The NAACP has approved a resolution calling for an end to the expansion of privately run charter schools. They maintain that charter schools are publicly funded but do not serve the needs of the public, and often further disadvantage poor communities in which they are...