by Sarah Green | Aug 20, 2014 | Parent Issues, Student Issues
A recent poll by Reason-Rupe found that 57% of Americans feel that only children who win should receive a trophy, instead of everyone receiving one for participating. 40% felt that every child should receive one. Gender, race and ethic differences also come to light...
by Sarah Green | Aug 15, 2014 | Profiles
Prep for Prep was established in 1978, and selects New York City’s most promising students of color and prepares them for placement into top independent schools. For the past thirty years, 150 low-income New York fifth-and-seventh grade children are selected from a...
by Sarah Green | Aug 5, 2014 | Profiles
In 2008, United Way launched its initiative to cut by half the number of students who drop out of high school through 2018. In order to achieve this, they focus on literacy and preparing students for success. United Way’s focus areas include helping children enter...
by Sarah Green | Jul 16, 2014 | Parent Issues, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
Science experiments are a fun way to get kids interested in science with hands-on experiments. Simply learning the facts doesn’t seem to interest a lot of kids – but actually seeing it does. Here are a few fun at-home science experiments you can do with whatever you...
by Sarah Green | Jul 7, 2014 | News
A new study by the Pew Research Center has shown that Latinos in the United States were most likely to rank education as “extremely important” to their lives. 57% of those polled found education as the most important, with 52% stating the economy and 32% saying...