Emily Youssouf

Emily Youssouf NYCHA

NYCHA’s Emily Youssouf supports education financially, in the classroom, and professionally.

Emily Youssouf has been a leader in housing and finance for more than 30 years. A seasoned leader in a variety of positions—public and private sector—she has helped bring about positive change and success in previously struggling organizations.

Emily Youssouf graditated from Wagner College with Honors, and received her M.A. in Urban Policy Analysis and Management from Milano The New School for Management and Urban Policy. She has held leadership positions at JP Morgan Securities, NYC Housing Development Corporation (HDC), Natis Settlements, LLC., Credit Suisse First Boston, Prudential Securities, Merrill Lynch, and Standard & Poors.

Currently a member of the New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) senior management, Emily Youssouf serves as the Vice-Chairman. In this position, she has worked tirelessly to improve public housing in New York City. She was named to the position in the spring of 2011, appointed by Mayor Bloomberg after her turnaround of HDC from a troubled organization to the number one issuer of multi-family affordable housing bonds.

A Clinical Professor at New York University since 2010, Emily Youssouf teaches courses at its Schack Institute of Real Estate. There she teaches master’s students courses such as Real Estate Capital Markets and Affordable Housing Finance. She also works as the curriculum coordinator for students on the finance track. Because of her success working with a multitude of organizations, she is able to offer real-life experience and insights to her students.

Emily Youssouf has been a consultant for organizations such as the Rockefeller Foundation, the New York City Partnership, Washington Square Partners, and the Metropolitan Community Partners. She is also a prominent member of several civic and charitable boards, including Milano The New School for Management and Urban Policy and the New York City School Construction Authority, which plans and oversees the construction of new school buildings in New York City.