by Sarah Green | Mar 21, 2018 | Parent Issues, Teacher Issues
When we decide to homeschool, it’s important to evaluate our own shortfalls as teachers. Everyone has an area of interest, and that’s wonderful, but it’s so very important not to let our children be left behind in topics we don’t like or...
by Sarah Green | Feb 28, 2018 | Parent Issues, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
If you’re like most teachers and parents, you wonder what shows will help your kids to get excited about science. Well, I’ve got some answers for you. With the aid of America’s most popular video streaming service, children have a chance to learn about many different...
by Sarah Green | Feb 7, 2018 | News, Parent Issues, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
The winter of 2017-18 is seeing one of the worst flu seasons on record, with 49 states seeing substantial flu activity and 39 of those seeing “especially high activity,” according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Schools, which are particularly...
by Sarah Green | Dec 15, 2017 | Parent Issues, Student Issues
In 2014, British artist Jake Chapman famously decried taking children to art galleries, adding that it was a “total waste of time.” In an interview with The Independent, Chapman went as far as to call parents “arrogant” for thinking their children could comprehend the...
by Sarah Green | Aug 30, 2017 | Parent Issues, Student Issues
With the August 18 white-supremacist rally in Charlottesville, the topic of race is on everyone’s mind—as it should be. But how do you talk to your kids about issues of race and racism when you may be uncomfortable with discussing race? First, keep in mind that your...