Teaching Skills In Jeopardy

Teaching Skills In Jeopardy

Teaching skills took a decline during the pandemic, according to a report by an education think tank from Arizona State University. The 2022-2023 school year was considered the first ‘normal’ year since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, restoring a few...
Conservative Censorship Rages

Conservative Censorship Rages

Conservative censorship expanded further this weekend with several more states enacting laws limiting free speech in schools and libraries. In Iowa, a new law was enacted Saturday that prohibits public and charter schools from discussing gender identity or sexual...
Justice Alito, Step Back

Justice Alito, Step Back

Justice Alito, Jr. may have taken expensive gifts from Paul Singer, a billionaire currently fighting for the Supreme Court to block student-loan forgiveness. In 2008, Washington D.C. was beginning to (very casually) toss around the idea of student-loan forgiveness...
Summer Slide Tips

Summer Slide Tips

Avoiding the summer slide takes parental involvement, teachers say. Here are some of their tips. According to teachers, the long summer break often leads to a breakdown of skills learned over the past year, the so-called “summer slide.” It can set students back when...