Angela Ghayur Teaching Afghan Woman

Angela Ghayur Teaching Afghan Woman

Angela Ghayur is teaching a thousand students who would not otherwise get an education now – women and girls in Taliban-held Afghanistan. Ghayur was only 13 when she began teaching, a refugee from Afghanistan in Iran. Her family had managed to surmount the paperwork...
Catherine Lhamon Confirmed in Near-Tie

Catherine Lhamon Confirmed in Near-Tie

Catherine Lhamon has been confirmed as the Department of Education’s assistant secretary for civil rights on Wednesday, after fighting her way through a combative session of criticism by Republican senators. Catherine Lhamon previously held this same position...
Black Education on Biden’s Table Again

Black Education on Biden’s Table Again

Black education is a priority in the White House once again, as President Joe Biden signs an executive order to help address the obstacles faced particularly by black students in the United States. The executive order, which was signed October 19, 2021, creates two...