by Supporting Education | Jun 5, 2020 | News, Student Issues
The COVID-19 pandemic has sent tens of thousands of students home from universities around the country, with classes either preemptively ended or changed to an online format. For many students, this will damage the quality of the education they’re receiving, education...
by Supporting Education | May 29, 2020 | News, Student Issues, Teacher Issues
At the beginning of April, several weeks after nearly all schools in the United States were shuttered, 4,000 teachers in South Carolina were surveyed about how remote teaching was going. More than 80 percent of those teachers reported that at least one of their...
by Supporting Education | May 22, 2020 | Student Issues, Teacher Issues
While a few states and the president looked for ways to send children back to school beginning in May, most of the country was looking more seriously at September, and at new approaches to how in-person education is organized. If, as both virologists and historians...
by Supporting Education | May 15, 2020 | News, Student Issues
In the U.S., there are more than 55 million children of school age, and this year they have all, each and every one, had their education massively interrupted in a way usually only seen in countries at war. Some schools, either by state or by district, are scrambling...
by Supporting Education | May 1, 2020 | News, Student Issues
The SAT, that tool of college admission, has always been a communal experience – a few hundred students in a gym or lecture hall, each at their own desk, quietly scratching away at the standardized questions under the eyes of a team of proctors. But in light of the...