Lincoln College, a small Illinois HBC founded the year its namesake was assassinated, will close this week, following a period of financial struggle capped by a ruinous cyberattack in 2021.

2019 was a record year for Lincoln College, with their highest ever enrollment rates (just over 1000), but the school was already struggling to remain afloat, trying to bumper a too-small endowment with fundraising campaigns, staff position consolidations, and leasing out several of the college buildings.

“Unfortunately, these efforts did not create long-term viability for Lincoln College in the face of the pandemic,” the school said in a press release this week.

While COVID cases fell in 2021 and college students returned to campuses, Lincoln was hit with a cyberattack from Iran that left them unable to recruit and retain students or effectively fund-raise for three months. They eventually paid the $100,000 ransom to restore their systems, but by that point, enrollment had fallen below 300 students.

Desperate, the school’s alumni organization ran a GoFundMe Campaign called Save Lincoln College. It has so far raised under $3000 out of a $20 million goal. But even if it succeeded, according to David Gerlach, the president of the school, it would take $50 million to save the school at this point.

“The loss of history, careers, and a community of students and alumni is immense,” Gerlach said in a statement.

The closure will be immediate, happening this Friday with the early wrap-up of class finals. Trying to do their best for the last cohort of students to study in this 157-year-old institution, Teach Out/Transfer Agreements have been arranged with 21 colleges, so they have somewhere to go.

Once it closes, all that will be left of the institution is the Lincoln Heritage Museum, a small museum of artifacts connected to former President Abraham Lincoln. The museum is maintained by an independent fund, and may take over the building that currently houses the McKinstry Library.

Photo: Shutterstock