It’s hard being an introverted teacher. Every single work day is filled with hundreds of children of various ages and needs. You have to balance teaching your class with individual attention to students, and it always seems like you’re doing a dozen things at once.
But fear not: Introvert and teacher John Spencer has some tips on how to get through your day and your week. Here are a few of them:
Take quiet time when you can
If taking quiet time means eating lunch in your car or at your desk instead of the teachers’ lounge, that’s okay. You need to refuel your batteries, not just with food but with personal time.
Encourage quiet study in your class
It’s hard to lecture all day, every day. However, it is possible to work in one-on-one time with students through conferences or working with them on individual projects.
Recharge with your own hobbies
If you write, draw, or knit, you can bring these hobbies into the class with you. Work on your writing while the students work on theirs. That way you not only get to engage in a creative hobby, you provide an example to your students. If your hobbies are less portable, make time for them outside the classroom.
Volunteer for introvert projects
Instead of coaching a sports team, why not volunteer to lead another, quieter activity after school? You could monitor a quieter club like the art club, or simply volunteer for after-school study time. You can also help your fellow teachers by doing things like designing logos or newsletters, for example.
Make your colleagues aware
You probably know very well that introverts are sometimes thought of as standoffish or snooty. Let your colleagues know at the beginning of the year that although you’re quiet and you may spend time by yourself, it’s because you’re an introvert. Most of the time they’ll understand and be fine with talking to you one-on-one or in smaller groups.
Are you an introverted teacher? What tactics do you use to keep yourself from burning out? Please share your ideas in the comments.