Educating people about personal well-being is important, especially for those who are studying to work at an incredibly demanding or stressful job. With that in mind, the University of Wisconsin-Madison’s School of Business Center for Professional and Executive Development has developed a curriculum designed to educate on personal well-being.

The UW-Madison School of Business, which boasts impressive business alums like John Oros, is partnering with the Center for Investigating Minds, Inc. and the School’s Business Center for Professional and Executive Development to make this program a reality.

The curriculum, Cultivating Well-Being: A Neuroscientific Approach, fits into the larger conversation about employee well-being and work-life balance in the workplace.

“Many workplaces are shifting their focus to encompass the whole person,” Jill McDermott says. “Each of us—no matter what role we play in the organization—can bring our whole person to that. Those lines between personal and professional are dissolving, if not totally gone.”

Scientists plan to examine how this curriculum will affect well-being and emotional dimensions of employees. For example, they will examine outlook, productivity, cooperation, distraction, etc. If the results turn out to be promising, this will be great news for future students at UW-Madison, who will learn how to properly balance their work and personal lives.

There are many things in the workplace that can distract employees and harm their productivity. In fact, according to an survey detailed on Fortune, there are many distractions in the workplace that can harm an employee’s productivity. Most of these distractions were based on the fellow employees that surround them. Therefore, if employees aren’t trained in having an adequate work-life balance, these annoyances and distractions can easily compound with workplace distractions and create very stressful situations.

Looking to learn more about work-life balance? Check out these tips from WebMD!

What do you think about work-life balance and personal well-being education? Let us know in the comments section below!