As I am about to graduate from a four-year university with a bachelor’s degree, the question that has been running through my mind is, should I go to grad school?

When it comes to my interests an education, if there is one thing that I’ve learned it’s that not everyone takes the same to road to success. I’ve learned to not always go with the crowd. In high school it was just assumed that I’d try to get into one of the most prestigious universities, and I assumed my classmates were doing the same. But there are all kinds of professions requiring all sorts of education.

iPad vs Texbooks

iPad vs Texbooks
Image: Douglas Edric Stanley via Flickr

I stuck myself in a box, never considering the alternatives. Looking back, I wish I had been more attuned to my likes and dislikes when thinking about my higher education. Instead of fitting myself with my college education I let college education fit me.

This time around, as I debate the next moves after graduation, I will consider all possible opportunities; I no longer want to limit myself to the things I enjoy learning about.

This is why I’ve decided to not dive right into grad school after graduation. Instead, I will be taking the time to discover my passions and interests, prepared for the fact that my mind may change as often as I change my underwear—well, that’s life.

As I ponder some more about grad school there are a few factors I will be considering, pros and cons, if you will, that I have scrounged up from a few websites (check my sources):


  • More career opportunities
  • The median income for those with master’s and professional degrees in greater than those with bachelor degrees
  • The unemployment rate in lower for those with master’s and professional degrees
  • More in depth study of your area of interest
  • Opportunity to work with the best in your area of study
  • If I decide to not finish and to go another direction, it will not be a waste of time, as I have gained skills that I can apply elsewhere.


  • Tuition is expensive, accumulating debt
  • Have to prepare for the GRE
  • Two to seven more years of schooling
  • High competition to get into schools
  • Some say the financial rewards are decreasing
Do you have anything to add to these lists?


Feature Image: Kim’n’Cris Knight via Flickr